Our Committees

North Carolina VOAD currently has the following committees

These committees are not tied to a particular disaster, but instead focus on their subject matter throughout the year to create guidance documents, best practices, and other resources for the VOAD membership and the general public. You can find some of those resources here.

Committee Description Chair
Board Purpose and Practice Review Temporary Committee to evaluate the structure of the North Carolina VOAD Board and make recommendations regarding the following two topics: 1) Whether adjustments to the size of the board would be beneficial to the organization and 2) Whether the board is expected to be a Working Board or an Oversight Board.  
Communications Work on increasing consistency and improving branding and messaging for NC VOAD among member agencies and the general public. Jay Henderson
Disaster Case Management Share challenges and best practices around disaster case management and advocate for improvements. Ann Huffman
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Develop recommendations to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout all aspects of North Carolina VOAD activities. Roland Whitley
Donations Management Coordinate and plan for coordination between agencies to understand what supplies are needed in the community and what supplies are available from local and national agencies. Greg Lentz
Housing Collaborate to discuss and advocate for all housing related issues for both renters and homeowners.  
Long Term Recovery Groups Help local Long Term Recover Groups stand up, maintain and flourish immediately following and long after an event. George Strunk
New Member Recruitment Conduct outreach efforts to share the mission and benefits of North Carolina VOAD and encourage new groups to become members.  
SERT Members Individuals to be trained on EOC procedure to maintain an NC VOAD seat at the EOC during a disaster. Larry Marks
Resource Coordination Coordination and sharing of information regarding what service providers are available across the state.  
Spiritual and Emotional Care
Child Wellbeing
Coordinate trainings and workshops to foster emotional and spiritual care , wellness, and child wellbeing across an impacted area. Ann Huffman
Training & Meetings Assist with the planning for VOAD Quarterly meetings and plan trainings between meetings.  
Volunteer Management Coordinate and plan for efficient communication and utilization of spontaneous volunteers immediately after an event Laura Block
Web and IT support Website Management and Workspace Administration Larry Marks

Click for more information or to volunteer for one or more of these committees.